PRODUCTION: The Deputy RDC Kapchorwa Mr. Martin Sakajja has called upon every farmer to fight anthrax, which is hitting animals in the district.

“We need collective efforts by every stakeholder in order to eliminate this killer disease,” he said.
Anthrax causes severe illness in both humans and animals. It’s caused by bacteria naturally in soil, plants, and water, which affects animals around the world.
Therefore, humans get anthrax if they come in contact with infected animals or contaminated animal products.
According to the municipal veterinary officer Ms Cheptoris Unise, in the past one month, Municipality is the most hit in Kapchorwa, but, “we have secured genuine 5000 vaccines doses privately at a cost of Ug shs3000 per animal”, she said.
Mr Sakajja was this morning meeting with a regional team from USAID, Elgon risk emergency, and Anthrax Eastern Uganda team together with the district and Municipal Veterinary Officers at his office.
The regional team from Mbale comes to support the district to educate communities about surveillance, risks, and mostly social behavior change, which is lacking.