The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Kapchorwa, Charles Kumakech Oluba has cautioned technical persons against involving in extortion of the Parish Revolving funds.

Kumakech says, the President has laid much emphasis on successful implementation of government programs especially the Parish Development Model strategy and tough measures have been put in place for culprits. His message comes ahead of the 2024/2025 PDM disbursement.

Speaking to a team of parish chiefs, sub- county chiefs, CDOs, extension workers, Giso’s and NRM district representatives from all over Kapchorwa in a capacity building training for PDM implementers, Kapchorwa district Chairperson, Everlyne Kubarika Chebet revealed that PDM has been a very ‘big challenge’ to them.
She highlighted a scenario where both the beneficiaries and parish/sub-county chiefs ‘negotiate’ prior to disbursement and after the negotiation is effected, the beneficiary starts complaining of extortion. Kubarika termed this as corruption and both parties deserve to be arrested.

She asked the technical team to do their work according to the PDM laid out guidelines to ensure that the sole purpose of PDM is achieved. She further stressed the need for PDM re-sensitization and mindset change especially amongst the youth.
Kapchorwa RDC, Mrs Deborah Mwesigwa Mugerwa asked the CDOs and youth councilors to engage the youth on mindset change to encourage to engage in income generating activities noting that the youth have been left out in many government programs.

In response, Maureen Chelangat, CDO Gamogo Sub-County said that they begun sensitization on mindset change as soon as the PDM program commenced and ensured that they captured all the data of the youth and beneficiaries including persons with disabilities.
She expressed the tedious nature of the work that they offered at zero cost without the necessary gadgets like laptops and data. There were also complaints of most PDM beneficiaries especially in Kabeywa and Gamogo Sub-Counties being relatives. Chelangat however dismissed these claims saying they use National IDs when selecting beneficiaries which IDs do not indicate who is a relative to who.
The Parish Development Model (PDM) is intended to increase household incomes and improve the quality of life of Ugandans by transitioning subsistence-level households into the money economy.